कृषी महाराष्ट्रचे रोजचे बाजारभाव दुपारी ४ वाजेच्या पुढे अपडेट होतात.
महाराष्ट्रातील सर्व जिल्ह्यांचे सर्व शेतमालाचे बाजारभाव आपल्याला इथे बघायला मिळतील त्यासोबतच माघील दिवसांचे देखील बाजारभाव इथे मिळतील.
Daily Price Agri Market App is an Android-based mobile application.
Get updated market price daily of all the agriculture markets across Maharashtra and All over India. Now farmers can get easily daily updated market prices for their commodity so there are no more loss for their commodity. Now farmers can get near by markets updated price daily and whenever they want to sell their commodity they can by checking price for their commodity at that time.
Daily Price Agri Market App is a complete solution for crop production and management. It provides the information on Crop Production, Crop Protection, smart farming with agriculture, and allied services. In addition to being an information portal, it is also an online marketplace for bringing in farmers, Agri input, retailers & fulfillment services on a common digital platform. Daily Price Agri Market App is the Indian Agriculture App that helps farmers in many ways by providing services such as Crop Advisory, Soil Test, Drone Services, Crop Practices & many more.
bajar bhav app for Farmers of Maharashtra and all over India. it is provide market yard bazar bhav....
किसान क्रॉप केअर : सेंद्रिय शेती- भरघोस उत्पन्नाची हमी
Weather Forecast
weather forecasting, know the weather in your area by just entering Pincode as per your crop selection, and schedule your agricultural activities(sowing, weeding, spraying & harvesting) according to the weather.

Overview on Agriculture Marketing
Agriculture sector needs structured and functional
markets, preferably in vicinity of farmers, to drive
growth, employment, remunerative price and
economic prosperity in rural areas of the country.